
High Quality Horn Loudspeaker Systems

The book "High Quality Horn LoudspeaHorn Book Jacket V3 front w releasedateker Systems" by Bjørn Kolbrek and Thomas Dunker has been released this autumn. This website will keep you up to date on the availibility, signing events and so on. We will also add supplementary material to the book, and tell our story about how the book came about, and the process of writing.

Currently the book is available from Lean Business Audio (should have stock soon) and Parts Express (stock will be sent). 

Title Author Hits
Bell Labs engineering - a book tip! Written by Thomas Hits: 7469
Remarks on the Graphics in the book Written by Thomas Hits: 3337
Too much information? Written by Thomas Hits: 3023
Sneak peeks from the History part Written by Thomas Hits: 3018
Reading Horn Theory Written by Thomas Hits: 3820
Who we are Written by Thomas Hits: 7734
The Nature of the Subject Written by Thomas Hits: 2787
Writing About Horn Theory Written by Bjørn Hits: 3462