
High Quality Horn Loudspeaker Systems

The book "High Quality Horn LoudspeaHorn Book Jacket V3 front w releasedateker Systems" by Bjørn Kolbrek and Thomas Dunker was released in November 2019. This website will keep you up to date with availibility and distributors, and we also provide extra material and errata. The book is now in its second print run, and most of the errors from the first print run have been corrected. 

Currently the book is available from Lean Business Audio and Parts Express.

Select distributor under the BUY menu. Currently we sell through:

Lean Business Audio (mobile friendly version) (For buyers outside Europe, please send them your e-mail and phone number for competitive prices on shipping.) Lean also does a much better packaging job than Amazon did...

Parts Express has started to stock our book, and at the moment pre-orders are possible. 

Amazon is now out of stock of our book, and we will not restock due to problems with books getting damaged in transit due to poor packaging. We will however find a US distributor, so stay tuned.